Comfort and Sedation
For many patients, fear of dental treatment is high.
If sitting through a dental procedure is difficult or impossible for you, we can help! Sedation can help melt away your anxiety and calm your nerves.
Don’t be embarrassed!
We understand that your fear is real. We want to hear your story about why you are nervous and what your greatest fears are. It is through understanding you and your unique concerns that we are able to best help you. Take advantage of our free 20-minute consultation to review your concerns and answer your questions. Together we can determine the best way to reduce your dental anxiety.
Oral Conscious Sedation
Oral conscious sedation uses an anxiety-reducing pill (Lorazepam or Triazolam). A monitor that records your blood pressure, pulse, and oxygen saturation will be placed. Once the pills have taken effect, nitrous oxide is used to fine-tune your level of sedation. We work to produce the greatest level of comfort and anxiety reduction.
Nitrous Oxide Sedation
Nitrous oxide only has been used for over a century and has a good track record of alleviating anxiety. The level of sedation using only nitrous oxide is not as profound as with oral conscious sedation but is very adequate for the many patients.
Headphones in addition to the nitrous oxide and/or sedative pills help to further reduce anxiety. Instead of hearing drill you will be soothed by nice calming music.
Comfortable Injections
Comfortable injections also help. Dr. Marietta has honed his technique through years of practice to administer the most comfortable injection possible.
It is our mission to make your treatment as comfortable and easy as possible. We will find a way to help you achieve your goal of restoring and maintaining your dental health.